Future energy landscapes
The energy utility had been exploring new technologies for some time, but now wanted to develop comprehensive environmental scenarios in order to gain a more holistic picture of the future. In close cooperation with a core team of customers, Z_punkt first analyses the trends and influencing factors in the business environment. On this basis, the next step is to develop and visualise a trend-based framework scenario and various alternative scenarios. In a series of workshops with representatives of the individual business areas, the energy landscapes for each scenario are first specified: Total energy consumption, technology mix, degree of sector coupling, grid structure, customer structure, business models, etc. In addition, strategic opportunities in the core business and beyond (Beyond Energy and Non-Energy) are identified. In addition, alternative strategic orientations in the form of ideal-typical players are developed and evaluated across the scenarios. The insights gained are elaborated as recommendations and anchored in the strategic planning process. A scenario monitoring is also set up so that the findings are continuously reviewed and new impulses can be incorporated into the strategy process in the coming years.