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Energy & Resources

Strategy process for a power plant construction company

Energy & Resources
Consulting Service
Strategic Foresight
Strategy process at Management Board level
Services Provided by Z_Punkt

Development of a long-term strategy process, scanning signals of change, scenario development, market modelling for various regions of the world, documentation on film

Z_punkt has received the assignment to develop future scenarios for one of the business units of a global power plant and infrastructure construction company. The aim is to obtain an overview of possible disruptions for the client’s business. The important question for the client is: At what levels do we need to act now? The qualitative scenarios are underpinned by modelling the markets of various regions to have data of relevance for decision-making available in the form of market variables. The scenario development will lead to a broadly based discussion of strategy, which Z_punkt will facilitate and encourage by providing input. Subsequently, the process will be transferred to group level so that all business units can benefit from the findings. The scenarios will be documented on film and continuously developed over several years. The most important key global clients will also be included in the discussion of strategy.