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Innovation Foresight

Innovation foresight provides a decisive boost to innovation processes and gives you a portfolio of attractive growth areas: momentum for your innovation process.

Andreas Neef

Get in touch with us if you are planning a Innovation Foresight project. Andreas Neef, Managing Partner, will be happy to advise you.

Contact Andreas Neef

General Approach

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    Recognising the signs of change

    By taking an overall look at global trend dynamics, we are able to produce a map of the medium to long-term innovation potential open to your company. If necessary, trendscouts and modelling tools can be used to deepen and validate this analysis.

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    Developing visions for the future

    We create plausible and inspiring images of the future with you that highlight the changes facing lifestyles, markets and technologies. Tomorrow’s world becomes tangible, a world of new opportunities.

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    Unlocking your team's creativity

    Foresight can breathe fresh life into your team. Together, we can move from analysing the future to coming up with concrete innovation ideas during ideas workshops. If you wish, we can also create walk-through and experience-led ‘future inspiration spaces’.

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    Strategically aligning your innovations

    Innovation foresight sees innovation as a strategic task. Working with you, we create a portfolio of strategic growth fields that are rooted in reality, ranked systematically and embedded in a clear image of the future.

Projects format

Strategische Wachstumsfelder

Strategic growth fields

New growth opportunities arise on the fringe of current skills and business areas. Recognising them requires you to transcend boundaries. Our structured process guides your team from foresight analysis, through an exploration of the growth areas of tomorrow right up to a full-scale evaluation of an innovation project. We have the long-standing experience necessary to transform a successful pilot project into regular innovation foresight processes, which you can then conduct on your own in the future.

Example project

Disruptive Produkt- und Serviceinnovation

Disruptive product and service innovations

The trick to being an innovator is the ability to surprise customers and markets over and over again. This requires the courage to question the basis of your own success. Embrace the possibility that your revenue streams might come from completely different products, services and business models in five or ten years. Together with a team of your innovation experts, we take the plunge and consider how tomorrow’s products and services might look, attacking your business before somebody else does.

Example project

Kundenwelten der Zukunft

Client environments of the future

You know your clients extremely well. Yet, what will tomorrow’s customers look like – and what requirements will they have? Since we can’t ask them, we use a variety of qualitative and quantitative foresight methods to anticipate the lifestyles of tomorrow. In doing so, we consider changing sets of values as well as shifts in incomes and spending patterns in your target countries. Using new approaches, such as value proposition design, we identify innovation opportunities that allow you to captivate the next generation of customers.

Example project

Quantifizierung von Wachstumsfeldern

Quantifying growth fields

You have already identified a portfolio of attractive growth fields – within your company or in a project together with us. Now you ask yourself: Are those fields worth betting on? With our system-dynamic approach, we find out what future demand to expect in which circumstances. With the help of a „robustness check“, you will gain an understanding of the factors determining an attractive market development.

More about system-dynamic models of the future


Innovation workshops

Are you looking for external impetuses to drive future inspiration in your innovation team? Using a portfolio of unusual workshop formats, ranging from innovation speed-dating to our highly-acclaimed rapid future factory, we create the perfect setting to enable you to think proactively about the future. Our workshops are not just about playful creative techniques; their value lies in the unique combination of trend expertise and future knowledge that we bring to each workshop. 

Innovation workshops (PDF)


Get in touch with us if you are planning a Innovation Foresight project. Andreas Neef, Managing Partner, will be happy to advise you.

Contact Andreas Neef