Mobility & Logistics
Customers’ future living environments for a motor manufacturer
- Sector
- Mobility & Logistics
- Consulting Service
- Innovation Foresight
- Context
- Product, brand and sales strategy Services Provided by Z_Punkt
Devising processes and methods, analysis of trends, disruptions, values, lifestyles and regulatory framework conditions, modelling future income and consumer expenditure in various regions of the world, deduction and discussion of strategic implications
A global motor manufacturer would like to have a better understanding of his customers’ future living environments. The aim of the exercise is to deduce future requirements regarding product design, sales and distribution formats and brand design. The project design suggested by Z_punkt combines a broad range of foresight methods. Technological trends and possible disruptions were also taken into consideration, as were changing values and alterations in lifestyles. For selected regions, Z_punkt is modelling future trends in income and consumer expenditure. The analysis is producing a large number of implications for the brand, product, services, sales and communication strategy.