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Technology & Engineering

Lucrative growth areas for a mechanical engineering company

Technology & Engineering
Consulting Service
Innovation Foresight
Innovation management
Services Provided by Z_Punkt

Process development and facilitation, competence mapping, analysis of trends, identification of growth areas, assessment of market opportunities and compatibility with existing competencies within the company, recommendations for action for the future innovation strategy

A highly specialised mechanical engineering company is looking for new options for future growth. It is looking for areas outside its current business, which are nevertheless compatible with the company’s existing competencies. Z_punkt is carrying out a comprehensive competence mapping programme, which will facilitate a targeted search for lucrative growth areas. The results are reflected in an analysis of trends, which means that the future markets of relevance to the company can be viewed as on a map. The market opportunities for each possible growth area are assessed and the attractiveness of the area for the client is calculated.

Strategische Wachstumsfelder für einen Maschinenbauer

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