Megatrends – A systemic view on the global dynamics of change

Contact us if you are interested in a specific megatrend analysis for your organization. Holger Glockner, Managing Partner, will be happy to help you.
Contact Holger GlocknerContact us if you are interested in a specific megatrend analysis for your organization. Holger Glockner, Managing Partner, will be happy to help you.
Contact Holger GlocknerWhile there are certainly differences of opinion on the focus and wording, we are convinced that we present a profound view of the global drivers of change to provide organizations of all kinds with strategic guidance in phases of high complexity and uncertainty.
Recent empirical-analytical findings on the use of strategic foresight methods also suggest that trends are still used more frequently than scenarios in the strategic work of organizations. If certain uncertainties that are recognizable as stable are also depicted in the context of trend analyses, this is also understandable. This makes decisions under uncertainty more or less calculable. Trends are highly transparent and therefore comprehensible. And they provide legitimacy vis-à-vis internal and external stakeholders.
Nevertheless, the massive consequences that people and organizations will experience as a result of technological change or geopolitical and geo-economic shifts, for example, are not captured by the level of trends and aspects and require more in-depth and specific analyses.
Rather than considering megatrends in isolation in the course of our projects, we work with you to produce a change map with which the various trends and their integrated ramifications can be understood.
The new set of megatrends encompasses the structural framework conditions for dealing with political and commercial organisations, but also for people’s individual lifeworlds. The brief descriptions that follow are also available as a PDF download.
In terms of megatrends, our consultancy services are aimed at gaining an understanding of the long-term cause and effect relationships among the trends in question. This requires a sharp intellectual differentiation between the drivers of change (the megatrends) and their effects. For example, “mobility” is often referred to as a megatrend. However, mobility is actually a human need which is influenced by such megatrends as urbanisation, anthropogenic environmental damage and the digital transformation. The concomitant changes can initiate paradigm shifts within the markets associated with the areas of need in question. The transition from private car ownership to networked mobility services is a prime example of such a far-reaching change.
This example also demonstrates how areas of need also tend to be areas of value creation: it is in this context that future markets emerge which your company can occupy and shape. Z_punkt has developed a system for the classification of areas of need, on the basis of which it is possible to systematically identify relevant growth areas and future business opportunities in B2C and B2B contexts based on the specific skills profile of any given corporation. Below, we present a selection of examples, which, in addition to mobility, includes the fields of energy, health, nutrition, communication, housing, beauty, education and pleasure.
Z_punkt has a wealth of experience with megatrends. We would be happy to collaborate with you to develop a project design, which will highlight how megatrends can support strategic and innovative efforts within your company.
Managing Partner
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