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Public Sector

Scenarios on the future of work for the UKCES

Public Sector
Consulting Service
Public Foresight
UK Commission on Employment and Skills
Services Provided by Z_Punkt

Process development and facilitation, analysis of trends and scenario development on the future of work in the UK in 2030, involvement in the strategic dialogue, communication brochure for interested members of the public.

The UK Commission on Employment and Skills (UKCES) advises the British government on questions of education and training. With its project entitled “Future of Work”, the client is aiming to stimulate a strategic dialogue about the future of work in the UK. How can the working population’s ability to work be increased? And how can the competitiveness of the British economy be retained? Strategic discussions with UKCES stakeholders and multipliers are already being implemented in the project as a basis for it being continued in the longer term beyond the end of the project term. The collaboration with Z_punkt has produced four scenarios for the future of work and the economy in a multi-stage process. A comprehensive report stipulates requirements for training and continuing training and highlights areas for action by employers, employees, further education establishments and politicians. “One of the most comprehensive studies of its kind”, says Toby Peyton-Jones, Director of Human Resources at Siemens and a Commissioner at the UKCES.